Silk Value Chains: CAREC's Role in Enhancing International Value Chains Along the New Silk Road

Zukhra Kemelbekova

Zukhra Kemelbekova

Owner of apparel production “Zulya”

Zukhra Kemelbekov is the founder of the “Zulya” manufacturing company that has its operations running since 2005. A teacher by education, but an entrepreneur in heart, she opened her first production line with only 3 sewing machines with the same number of personnel.

Full of ambition and determination Zukhra has made her small endeavor into a manufacturing success with over 80 workers under her company. Now, with over 18 years of experience, Zukhra’s expertise is in fast – fashion design and production. She popularizes production business by creating online courses for the young and talented entrepreneurs who wish to grasp the ins and outs of the manufacturing process.

In her leisure time Zukhra works on her premium designer clothing line “Kurbum.” She has already won couple of fashion shows within a year of making the brand.