It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you to the 4th Tbilisi Silk Road Forum “Connecting Today, Resilient Tomorrow” which will take place in Tbilisi on October 26 -27, 2023. This important event will gather up to 2000 delegates, high-ranking officials, as well as business representatives from over 60 countries.
Opening Panel - High Level Dialogue
The Future of Energy - Emerging trends, Security and Sustainability of the Silk Road Energy Belt and beyond
Innovation driven growth - Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Silk Road
Connecting to Europe – The Development of the Extended TEN-T
Transport Connectivity – Transformation along the Silk Road and beyond
Silk Road Knowledge Dialogue
Improving Freight Transit and Logistics Performance of the Trans-Caucasus Transit Corridor
Invest2Succeed _Session I - Georgia Rising - Facilitating Impact Investment
Invest2Succeed_Session II - Silk Road: The New Landscape for Cross-Border Investment
Side Event: Jointly Building Belt and Road towards SDGs